Learning Disabilities

Students with learning disabilities (LD) have difficulty acquiring basic skills or academic content due to difficulty using or understanding spoken or written language.
These difficulties may impact a student’s ability to read, write, spell, think, speak, listen, or do mathematics. Learning disabilities do not include those difficulties that are primarily due to a student’s intellectual, physical, or emotional disabilities, nor those that are due to a student’s environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantages.
Common learning disabilities include dyslexia, dysgraphia, perceptual disabilities, and developmental aphasia. It is estimated that approximately 6-8% of school-age children have some sort of LD. Some experts believe that lack of and differences in screening protocols have resulted in LD being underreported.
Source: ed.gov
Interested in learning disabilities? Check out CEC's Division for Learning Disabilities!

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Intensifying Reading Interventions by Making Instruction More Explicit
RTI Approach to Evaluating Learning Disabilities, Second Edition

TEACHING Exceptional Children 57-1 - Transition
University of North Texas

Master’s in Special Education (M.Ed.) Concentrations
Our 33-credit hour online master’s programs equip professionals with evidence-based strategies, assessment skills, behavior management, collaboration, and transition planning to ensure comprehensive support of students with diverse needs in K-12 settings. We offer four concentration areas: (a) Autism Intervention, (b) Bilingual Special Education, (c) Educational Diagnostician, and (d) High-Incidence Disabilities. Concentrations require a shared core of courses in educational psychology and special education, with an additional 18 hours of
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